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  • The plant has recovered about 30 minutes per employee per day in productive time.

  • Tool usage has decreased from $400,000 the previous year to an annual projection of $280,000 - $300,000 - while business is increasing at about 10% per year.

  • CNC machine downtime and stock-outs are a thing of the past.

  • Tool crib attendant now performs higher-value tasks, since he no longer has to keep issuing the same items all day.

  • Purchasing is more efficient, due to automatic reporting. And reordering has been streamlined.

Saved over $100k while increasing productivity and revenues.


Stop Wasting Time Visiting and Waiting at the Tool Crib

The plant manager of a medium-sized production facility wanted to keep his operators working. He saw his employees waiting in the tool crib line for 10-15 minutes, at least 2 to 3 times a day. Stock-outs meant too much CNC machine downtime.

The plant manager of a medium-sized production facility wanted to keep his operators working. He saw his employees waiting in the tool crib line for 10-15 minutes, at least 2 to 3 times a day. Stock-outs meant too much CNC machine downtime.



The shop manager had 2 RoboCrib 1000 dispensing machines installed for point-of-use, to dispense tools near operator's cells.

Gain the AutoCrib Advantage

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