The plant has completely eliminated shutdowns in the 40 months since the installation of the AutoCrib system.
Tool usage and expenses for items in the AutoCrib Remote Dispensing Stations (RDS) have dropped from $40,000 to $32,000 per month - a savings of $96,000 a year!
The company is also saving over $81,000 each year by no longer issuing over 40 purchase orders each month (at a cost of $170 each) for items now supplied by the AutoCrib system. One blanket order with pre-negotiated pricing and terms from the distributor covers everything.
Receiving costs have been eliminated since the distributor now stocks the Remote Dispensing Stations.
Obsolete tool costs for items provided by the distributor (previously at about 10%) have been eliminated.
Operators no longer walk 50 yards to the tool crib since tools are dispensed at their cell.
Supervisors during the 2nd and 3rd shifts no longer have to spend their time issuing tools.
Accounting personnel no longer have to manually assign costs to the correct job and department number, as this information is now provided by the distributor.
Saved over $170k and eliminated shutdowns with AutoCrib RDS

Keep Crucial Inventory on Hand and Keep Business Running
The Satellite Division of a large aerospace company had experienced 7 shutdowns in the previous 12 months - downtime the company could not afford.
House the division's tool inventory in an AutoCrib Remote Dispensing Station (RDS), provided through a Distributor Placement Program. The RDS sends an automatic purchase order notice to the distributor whenever any item stocked in any AutoCrib machine is running low. The distributor then restocks the machine before any stock-outs can occur, and the distributor provides the AutoCrib dispensing machines at no cost to the aerospace company.
This aerospace company is currently automating all of their facilities in California using AutoCrib systems.